Thursday, January 15, 2015


Hi everyone! My name's Cooper Lund, although technically Cooper is my middle name and Jorgen is my first name. I'm originally from Kansas City, KS. Currently I am a junior studying economics with a minor in math. I'm very interested in using past events to predict future ones, which is one of the primary reasons I enjoy economics. I'm an avid fantasy football player and Netflix watcher. I've probably seen all the seasons of The Office 7-8 times. I also managed to watch every season of Criminal Minds over the break, an accomplishment I'm particularly proud of. On campus I am involved with a variety of organizations such as Soonerthon, CCEW, and SGA. I've got one sister named Katy who is a sophomore at the University of Minnesota. My mom owns a veterinary clinic in Kansas City and my dad is a computer programmer. Because my mom is a vet, we have always had a ton of pets cycling through our house. Currently we only have two dogs, Motor and Ace. Motor is a 7 year old shi-tzu and Ace is some kind of pekinese mix. Ace's claim to fame is that he actually only has one eye. When he was a puppy he lived in a puppy mill and the eye got infected and by the time he was rescued from the mill it was too late to do anything but take it out. Luckily, he is black so the eye isn't super noticeable and he's still one of the happiest dogs you will ever meet. I am a very laid back person, so I enjoy watching TV and movies, hanging out with friends, and listening to music. My favorite artist is Passenger and I actually got to see him perform in Dallas for my birthday last year. And that's pretty much all the even moderately interesting things about me.


  1. You had me at Netflix Cooper, you an I both. I recently got in to watching One Tree Hill and I think i just fell down a deep dark hole! I've never seen the office can you believe that! Maybe that will be my next show! Good luck this semester!

  2. “Economics...the scientific study of the efficient allocation of scarce resources versus unlimited wants”. My Economics teacher in 10th grade taught us that definition on the first day and we had to know it for every test. 20 years later, I still know it by heart. I couldn’t tell you what I did 5 minutes ago, but I remember that! LOL I was an ace in math in high school, like people would try to cheat off of me smart, but after not using it for so long, I lost everything. I even had to take the remedial college algebra class, which made me mad because I used to be able to do hard algebra in my sleep. LOVE Netflix. I watched the first 4 seasons of The Walking Dead last summer and I am currently on season 6 of Supernatural. Me and my husband LOVED the Office, until Jim and Pam got married. After that, it was all downhill for me. Criminal Minds...I just watch that on Ion every time it’s on. I’ve come close to seeing all the episodes I’m sure, but I wanted to watch Supernatural first, then Criminal Minds. Derek Morgan...meee-yow! :D See your mom is a vet. My 14 year old daughter wanted to be a vet when she was little until she learned that not all animals that come see her would live...she was depressed for awhile LOL. I have a couple of computer programmers in the family. My brother-in-law works for Boeing and one of my cousins works for the Air Force Base in Warner Robins, GA. I think one of my husbands uncles is one too. Seems like I’m surrounded by super nerds ;) … just kidding :) I’m nerdy too lol. I have one dog, he’s a lab, his name is Deacon. Sounds like Ace is one pretty cool dude :D

  3. Hey, Cooper! It’s great to be in class with you. I think it’s really neat that you’re so interested in predicting future events – that sounds super cool and I’d love to learn more about that. That’s cool that your family is so diverse – you’re studying economics, your dad is a programmer, and your mother is a vet. It must be fun to have animals around when growing up – I can only imagine that you guys must have had more than the typical cat/dog house pets 

  4. Cooper, hey! I wish I would have known you before I took Macro Economics. I really just could not understand that class. Netflix is the best thing known to man besides cereal. Netflix has helped me survive many hours at work. I have two Shih Tzus named Sasha and Roxi. They came from a litter of four, which is my most favorite number. I really dislike that Ace had to endure such a tragic loss. Sasha has had to go to the vet a lot lately because she poked her eye outside while chasing a squirrel. Luckily, she didn't lose her eye or her sight.

  5. Wow. My neighbor is an economics major and he really likes it. I like that you went to college away from your family. I really wanted to do that but I chickened out at the last minute because I knew I would miss my family too much. I'm definitely a homebody. I wanted to be a vet when I was younger just so I could be surrounded by animals haha.

  6. Oh, how great that you are involved with CCEW, Cooper! I think that is absolutely one of the coolest opportunities on the OU campus. Do you know Anoop Deep? He was in this class last semester and did a fabulous project, TV-show format, so much fun: you might enjoy taking a look at it, esp. if you know him! Flipped Scripts: History, Written by the Vanquished ... and I am pretty sure that Sarah Sandel who did The Trickster of OU was also in CCEW... so, you can carry on the CCEW storytelling legacy in this class. I hope you will enjoy it!

  7. Cooper, my roommate is from Olathe, Kansas (not sure how you correctly spell it haha), but other than her, you are about the only other person I know from Kansas that attends OU! I am from Flower Mound, Texas, so you know I have plenty of people from my area here. I have never gotten into The Office, but my fiancĂ©’s four brothers are obsessed with it, so I hear the quotes quite often!

  8. It seems like you are very passionate about the purpose of your future career. I thought this sentence was well written and expressed your zeal.

    "I'm very interested in using past events to predict future ones, which is one of the primary reasons I enjoy economics.”

    This reminds me of the point of learning history so we can prevent potential mistakes in the future.

    If you want to edit this post at all, I would break up the large paragraph into multiple small ones so the writing looks less intimidating.

  9. Cooper- I started working on Criminal Minds over the break as well. Unfortunately, I was unable to finish. The episodes are sooo long. That really is quite a feat. I also enjoy the Office but I have not watched it near as many times as you have. Your dogs sound cute and sweet. It is great that your family rescued Ace. Rescues generally are the sweetest.

  10. Hello Cooper! I like that you are involved with Soonerthon! I participated in Soonerthon two semesters ago and had so much fun. I also saw through the grapevine the numbers y'all raised this year. A half a million dollars! That's definitely something to be proud of. I have also always wanted to watch Criminal Minds on Netflix, and was going to start it over the break, but never finished. But yea, I hope you enjoy the rest of this semester. Take care.

  11. Cooper,
    First thing is first, congrats on such a successful year on Soonerthon! It was awesome to hear that the Children’s Miracle Network received so much money.
    Don’t hate me, but I have only seen the Office once. I feel like I need to sit down and watch it, I just have too many shows I am trying to finish right now to start one.

  12. Cooper. Kansas City is amazing. I love it, I was there for about two weeks once for a short internship, and all I did was eat great food and drink even better beer. Congrats for being from one of the coolest places, in my opinion. Also, I am a huge fan of The Office. I have watched it through about three times, and I am planning on doing that again because of the exact scene you have a picture of. GREAT SHOW.

  13. Hey Cooper! I read your comment about knowing a friend who lived in New Braunfels; such a small world because nobody ever knows where that is! I would absolutely love growing up around all those pets! I'm sure if there's ever any issues, your mom is able to take care of them very easily. As also in your comments, I saw you love to travel! That's so awesome! I haven't gotten the opportunity to travel outside of Italy (in Europe) but I am definitely making plans to head back there soon! Your Europe adventures sound like a blast! Hope you have a great dead week and the rest of your semester runs smoothly!
